Images tagged with "statistical learning"

Found 5 images.

ID Name Collection(s) Description
510285 NADs P(A)-modulated activity vs implicit baseline Language statistical learning responds to reinforcement learning principles rooted in the striatum Fig 4. Brain regions related to changes in the predictive value of the initial word of each phrase in the NADs block vs. implicit baseline (i.e., NADs P(A)-modulated activity vs. implicit baseline). Activity in the Basal ganglia (bilateral caudate nuclei, putamen, and ventral striatum) and in the left posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) was modulated the trial-by-trial development of predictions (P(A)) as estimated by the TD model (contrast: NADs P(A) - Baseline). Results are reported for clusters FWE-corrected at p < 0.001 at the cluster level (minimum cluster size = 20; p<0.001 uncorrected at the voxel level). Neurological convention is used with MNI coordinates shown at the bottom right of each slice.
18856 Cluster 1 Subspecialization in the human posterior medial cortex
18857 Cluster 2 Subspecialization in the human posterior medial cortex
18858 Cluster 3 Subspecialization in the human posterior medial cortex
18859 Cluster 4 Subspecialization in the human posterior medial cortex